normative economics造句
- The question is, can you do positive economics without normative economics.
- Positive and normative economics are often synthesized in the style of practical idealism.
- Normative economics seeks to identify what economies " ought " to be like.
- In this way, system design links back to normative economics.
- Normative economics is the social technology because it attempts to create different kinds of economic arrangements.
- Virtually all authors acknowledge that peace economics is part of both positive economics and normative economics.
- In contrast to Galbraith's linguistic style, the post-war economics profession began to synthesize much of normative economic "'" evaluations and judgments.
- However, you may wish to read the articles on positive economics and normative economics .-- talk ) 08 : 55, 7 September 2014 ( UTC)
- Economists commonly prefer to distinguish normative economics ( " what ought to be " in economic matters ) from positive economics ( " what is " ).
- The essay argues that economics as " science " should be free of normative judgments for it to be respected as objective and to inform normative economics ( for example whether to raise the minimum wage ).
- It's difficult to see normative economics in a sentence. 用normative economics造句挺難的
- Furthermore, economic ideology is distinct from an economic system that it supports, such as a capitalist ideology, to the extent that explaining an economic system ( positive economics ) is distinct from advocating it ( normative economics ).
- Other broad distinctions within economics include those between positive economics, describing " what is ", and normative economics, advocating " what ought to be "; between economic theory and applied economics; between rational and behavioural economics; and between mainstream economics and heterodox economics.
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